President Monson, Charity Never Faileth

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Relief Society Birthday Party

Thank you to our amazing stake Relief Societies and Presidencies for putting together a wonderful evening in celebration of the Relief Society Birthday Party! A personal thanks to our deeply loved RS President ShaRee for organizing a presentation, and to the sisters who participated in the presentation, that taught us all a little about a few of the past RS presidents, from Emma Smith to Belle Spafford. What amazing woman they all were and many of them quite funny too! Quite possibly the highlight of the evening, I believe, was when we had the opportunity to listen to a talk President Monson gave last October, in the General Relief Society meeting. In it he points out that women of the church offer amazing acts of charity on a regular basis; visiting the sick, cooking a meal for a family in need. He also asked us not to forget another kind of charity and that is to love all, regardless of the things that make us different. Sister Perkins, our stake RS President, offered a tip she likes to use, when she meets someone new she says to herself, "I know something special about you." and then she tries to treat them that way. What a great idea! In his talk, Pres. Monson shares a story of a newly wed couple and the wife's concern over her new neighbors poorly cleaned laundry going out on the line to dry. After watching for several weeks and sharing what she saw with her husband she noticed one morning that the laundry was finally clean! She told her husband about the change and was curious what the neighbor did different... until the husband shared his morning with her- he spent it cleaning their windows! It leaves one to ask, "Are MY windows clean??" This talk is so beneficial to us all that I've posted it on our blog and I think I'll leave it up for awhile. I don't know about you but this is one that I could stand to listen to time and time again, to get myself back on track when I need it. And I think our ward blog is a convenient and appropriate place. Before I close this post I'd like to put a word in on the "light" refreshments we enjoyed! Man did the Panaca wards come through with some super treats! Have a nice week sisters. May the days be good to you and you to them and my our windows always be clean!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Primary Program, Community Theater

Hello Sister! Just thought I'd put out a reminder that Sunday will be the Primary Program so make sure you attend! The spirit is always so strong at these meetings. Also, if you have a child or two in the primary, practice their part with them and listen to the program songs this week to keep those things fresh in their minds. If they are not worried about remembering their part they'll be more able to really enjoy the program and feel the spirit themselves!
On a personal note- A Little Off Broadway will be showing this weekend! If you are interested in coming the dates are Thurs. the 23rd, Fri. the 24th, Sat. the 25th and Mon. the 20th. The show will not take place at Pioche Town Hall as in years past. This year, and from now on, it will be at the Neldon C. Mathews Auditorium in Panaca. That is the new auditorium across from the football field. All shows start at 7pm and tickets are $5 for adults and $4 for children 17 and under. We've all worked very hard in prepairing for this and the song selection is a good one so if you plan on coming, plan on a great show!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

On track to stay on track!

We finally got things situated enough in our home that I will now be able to stay on top of our relief society blog... as much as my kids, work and life in general will allow me to anyway... lets not get ahead of ourselves here! ;) I will honestly do my best to post at least once a week though. And once may even turn out to be far fewer than I do! Since I am in the Primary though, I could use some help on getting information on what goes on each week in RS. If anyone takes notes or has handouts that could be passed along to me it would really help me to keep this blog relevant to RS. If you have something like that maybe you could just hand it off to me in the hall at church or something. That goes for the Young Women leaders too! I'm certain the women that read this blog would enjoy little updates on what young women in are ward are up to! Thanks to everyone for not giving up on the blog! Sorry it's been so slow to get going but you can now look forward to regular postings and updates so come back often!!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Hillbilly Reunion

Anyone who was there knows that the Hillbilly Reunion was a lot of fun! The food was above hillbilly standard as was the company. The entertainment on the other hand... we'll just say it was done in an appropriate Hillbilly fashion!:) Hats off to Jerralynn Smith, our ward activities leader, on a HUGE success with this ward party! And no pressure Sister Smith, but ya set the bar pretty high for future activities!!! Enjoy a few of the pictures that were taken during the festivites! I think Brother and Sister Gill put a perfect "end" to the evening!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Welcome to our Ward Relief Socitey Blog!

Hello Sisters! We are excited to share with you our new ward relief society blog! Look around, get familiar. For now things are minimal but my hope is that as time goes by I will be able to add more information to this blog as well as more links and other things that will help each of us in our day to day. Also, if you have a family or personal blog that you would like to share with our ward please email it to me at and I will be happy to add it as a link in a list of ward families' blogs. Another thing, if you have an idea of something you'd like to see on our blog please let me know and I'll work to getting it added! Right now you can look forward to a schedule of RS lessons, recaps from those lessons, reminders of whats going on in the ward, such as activities and temple night, and hopefully even a ward calendar- all in one convenient place! And those are just a few of my hopes for this blog! So come back and come often to see whats new!

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